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                         Child Abuse Allegations Conference Information &  Registration
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MORE DETAILED INFORMATON ON OUR CONFERENCE PAGE (see button above) including Faculty, hotel information and Schedule.

Courtroom Chairs

We are a non-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to preserving the rights of those falsely accused of child abuse through education.

Donate to fight false allegations + wrongful convictions

We have been fighting false allegations and wrongful convictions since 1990.  We were the first innocence project and the only one dedicated to child abuse related false allegations.  We.have educated and trained thousands of lawyers and other professionals over the past 30 years.  We have helped educate politicians, judges, the public and others over the years.  Your donation is tax-deductible as we are a 501(c)(3) organization that is all-volunteer.

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Latest News Ohio Prosecutors  Story

NCADRC submitted an Amicus Brief to the Ohio Supreme Court regarding the Haynes case and contributed to the resulting story
investigation by Columbia University School of Journalism

“Freedom of speech . It doesn't mean you should falsely accuse others, without proof or facts. It doesn't mean oppressing others, insulting others , tainting and ruining others reputation and life, because you strongly feel they deserve it.”

― De philosopher DJ Kyos

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